Message from the Flagbearer

Ghana will hold its most important election in December this year. One in which the very soul of our nation is at stake.

Two contrasting choices will be on the ballot: to continue the slide down the present unsustainable path or to carry out an urgent reset that gives our nation a fresh start, restores good governance, ameliorates our people’s suffering and sets our country on a trajectory of economic transformation.

Over the past few years, I have travelled around the country many times, meeting fellow citizens from diverse backgrounds: various groups of professionals, chiefs, queen mothers, fisherfolk, traders, market women, artisans, farmers, financial sector players, journalists, teachers, miners, youth, students, workers in the informal sector, workers’ unions, people in the creative industry, our security services, employers and many other groups.

I have listened to their harrowing stories of harsh socioeconomic conditions and bad governance. I could not help but admire their exceptional resilience in such difficulties. I also had the opportunity to learn of their dreams and aspirations for the Ghana they want.

These dreams and aspirations are connected to the vision of our forebears—to build a prosperous and democratic state anchored on the principles of freedom and justice, providing equal opportunities for all. This is the Ghana we all want and must work to build together.

I seek the mandate of the people of Ghana once again, confident that together, we have the human and natural resources to build the Ghana we all want. I approach this quest with the humility, introspection, integrity and urgency of an experienced leader convinced that Ghana is headed in the wrong direction and must be rescued.

This manifesto, which we launch today, sums up our proposals to improve the lot of our people and realise their aspirations. We expect that with your support, the next NDC government under my leadership will implement these policies to transform our country for the benefit of all.

We consider this a solemn pact between us and you, the good people of Ghana—a bond that will lift our dear country from the abyss in which it is trapped. We offer the Ghanaian people a well-curated blueprint for fixing the economy and creating prosperity.

The National Democratic Congress government of John Dramani Mahama and Jane Naana Opoku-Agyemang would implement a 24-hour economy for business development, growth and job creation.

We will boost our economy through investments in the productive sectors of agriculture, manufacturing and the creative economy. We will stimulate growth through energy, infrastructure, science, technology and environmental developments.

As a social democratic party, we have an immutable commitment to inclusive growth through health, education and sports investments. We are intentional about social inclusion, addressing the needs of core constituencies such as women, youth, children, persons with disabilities, older people and marginalised groups, promoting equal access to public services and protection from abuse.

We remain unequivocally committed to promoting good governance, principled and friendly relations with all nations and support multilateralism whilst upholding our sovereign integrity.

The launch of this manifesto marks the beginning of a journey towards national revival and prosperity for all. We do not underestimate the extent of the national decay that confronts us today, but we hold a resolve far more significant than any challenge we may encounter.

We have an abiding faith in the Ghanaian people’s ability to weather the most daunting storms. I do not doubt that when we combine our collective energies and efforts, we can rescue our beloved country and build a great nation that offers opportunities for all and a bright future for our children.

The NDC government I will lead will be about you—serving with dedication, selflessness and deep love for the country.

I solemnly pledge to lead by example and demand the highest standards of ethical conduct from all my appointees.

I promise to exact accountability from all public officials - past and present. By the grace of the Almighty God and with your support, we shall reset and build the Ghana we want together.