International Relations

To foster Pan-Africanism and improved diaspora engagement, we will:

1. Pursue a friendly foreign policy that repositions Ghana and enhances our image in the comity of nations.

2. Deepen Ghana’s renowned Pan-Africanist credentials by rallying other African nations and the diaspora for cultural integration, good governance and economic development.

3. Facilitate and expedite passport acquisition, including e-passports, through decentralisation and adequate service point equipment. We will do this in compliance with the International Civil Aviation Organization (ICAO) requirements on chip-embedded passports.

4. Promote and protect the welfare and rights of Ghanaian nationals abroad and facilitate the involvement and participation of the Ghanaian Diaspora in national political and socio-economic development.

5. Protect the inviolability of the premises of all foreign missions in Ghana as required under the 1961 Vienna Convention on Diplomatic Relations and the 1963 Vienna Convention on Consular Relations.

6. Engage the diaspora community to streamline dual citizenship and ensure active participation in the democratic process.

7. Facilitate investment opportunities and create platforms for diaspora communities to contribute their expertise to local projects.

8. Negotiate e-visa arrangements with other countries to facilitate international travel and trade for Ghanaians.