Security and Public Safety

We will:

1. Develop a comprehensive security and safety programme to support the implementation of the 24-Hour Economy Policy.

2. Purge our security agencies of all militia and vigilante elements.

3. Clear the backlog of promotions and ensure timely promotions based on meritocracy and transparency.

4. Ensure merit-based, transparent and decentralised recruitments and promotions in all security agencies in line with our HR GAP analysis.

5. Enhance police visibility and patrols in neighbourhoods and public spaces.

6. Expand the implementation of community-based crime prevention programmes focusing on high-crime areas.

7. Enhance border security and cooperation with international partners to combat terrorism financing and foreign terrorist fighters.

8. Prioritise the welfare of serving and retired personnel of our security agencies.

9. Establish a new military training and recruit academy in the northern sector.

10. Introduce a nationwide community police programme.

11. Invest in ICT infrastructure, training, modern equipment, mobility and other logistics to support intelligence gathering and enhance national safety.

12. Control the proliferation of small arms and light weapons.

13. Harmonise and address disparities in salaries, remunerations and other conditions of service across all security agencies.

14. Review and enforce the medical package for serving and retired personnel and their families.

15. Review the compensation package for personnel who lose their lives or get injured in the line of duty.


We will:

1. Review and adjust salaries and allowances of troops and civilian employees to align with economic trends.

2. Construct housing units and refurbish dilapidated and abandoned housing units across the country.

3. Establish Armed Forces Home Ownership Schemes for all personnel and officers.

4.Upgrade personnel retirement benefits according to realistic prevailing economic conditions.

5. Complete and equip the Kumasi Military Hospital (Afari) in the Central Command.

6. Initiate the construction of military hospitals at Ho, Bolgatanga, and Sefwi Wiawso.

7. Establish Veterans’ Referral Departments in Military Hospitals across the country.

8. Increase the allowance for personnel engaged in peacekeeping activities and restore transparency in the selection process.